Drunken Linglong

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Drunken Linglong Drunken Linglong Drunken Linglong

Several women were afraid to answer, only a voice sounded perturbed: "Feng Xiang.." Qing Chen heart suddenly filled with a burst of disgust, not by the silver teeth nibble. It's a good move to turn a dragon into a phoenix. The phoenix family has obviously been planning this for a long time. Once the poison of Hibiscus is deeply planted, it will harm people's body, destroy people's will and disturb people's spirit. If it goes on for a long time, the eater will be no different from the useless person. Feng Yan bribed the imperial physician to control the emperor with poison, and then sent such a woman to the palace. Once he succeeded, the Celestial Empire changed its name and changed the world. Nearly a hundred years of career was destroyed and fell into the hands of others. Feng Yan acted so sinister and bold that it was really unexpected. Only now to eradicate this scourge, but have to estimate the phoenix family in the hands of the sixteen States, if easy to start, against the phoenix family, the small half of the world will fall into turmoil, the loss outweighs the gain. Small can not bear to mess up the big plan, Qing Chen took a deep breath, slowly restored calm. Feng Yan would not have thought that the empress, who was as sick as a weak willow, the daughter of the Feng family, had made an incredible move at this time, and that pair of delicate hands had quietly disturbed the chessboard. The body with the blood of the Feng family is filled with a different soul. The Feng Qing dust in front of us can make the Feng family climb to the peak of glory step by step, and then let it fall into the hell beyond redemption. What family, what blood, what relatives, what dependence? The world is wide, the years are long, and she has only one relative, who lives and dies together and shares weal and woe. To be his friend is her friend, to be his enemy is her enemy, and no one is an exception. Qing Chen got up and stepped down from the bed, walked slowly to the front of the table, dropped the memorial, lowered his eyes and raised his hand,Stainless Steel Toilet Sink Combo, and wrote. The bright red vermilion ink drew a thick turning point, which penetrated into the snowy paper and soaked the back of the paper. Qing Chen put down his pen and raised his hand. "Take them down and give them medicine." A snow note, two pharmacies, a heavy ink, two lives. The frightened expression of several women turned into a pity, but the bottom was cold and boundless. The last trace of crying faintly disappeared in the ear, Qing Chen stood silently beside the case, slender eyebrows lightly twisted, slowly raised his hand to touch the heart, white jade face more and more lost color. How many feelings in the world have to have, how many helpless,Flush valve price, knowing that the pain of the heart is still imposed on others, knowing that innocent involvement can not be soft-hearted. This is the way she and he chose, the supreme power in the world, looking at the universe, all living beings bow their heads, the imperial industry is brilliant and spread through the ages. In the shadow of conspiracy and trickery, it holds up the prosperity and romance, and in the destruction of the Iron-blooded War, Jingan Siyu Hanoi. He and she walked hand in hand all the way to the top of the peak, and at the top of the peak, the road would come to an end. At the top of the solitary peak, what is the end of the road? Qing Chen closed his eyes and stood there. After a while, the throbbing pain from his heart slowed down slightly. He turned around and lowered his head to reopen the memorial. The insolent handwriting on the memorial was reflected in her quiet eyes, and a series of names and titles were connected end to end, all of which were titles drawn up for the Feng clan. Her lips float a faint smile, silent and invisible, pen to the word, a vermilion "quasi" word fell on the paper, color such as blood, sharp as the front. In the spring of the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Yao, Yige, Prison toilet for sale ,Concealed Flush Valve, the capital of the emperor, was always shrouded in continuous rain and chilly. For the ministers of the Celestial Empire, this is undoubtedly a period of time without the light of day. At the beginning of May, Emperor Hao suddenly contracted a serious illness and was unable to see the court, so he appointed the empress to assist in court affairs. From then on, the internal and external orders were all in the middle of the palace, the grand master Feng Yan controlled the government, and the Feng clan monopolized power all over the world. However, within a few days, there were only five vassals in the Feng family, and the rest were promoted and moved to countless places, and the pro-party spread all over the government and the public. Feng Yan excluded dissidents and fostered private parties, and the Yin family, which had always been opposed to the Feng family, was the first to bear the brunt. Yin Jianzheng, an old minister of Zaifu, was dismissed from office on the charge of "discussing the crown prince in vain". If it were not for the fact that the empress was the emperor and did not want to kill, Yin Jianzheng was afraid that his life would be in danger. Like the Wei family, almost overnight, the valve Yin family turned from prosperity to decline and was unable to recover. The vermilion gate, the golden tower, the jade horse hall, the wall falls down and the building falls down. From then on, the ministers in the court, but those who were not, were all pushed aside. Those who went with them were promoted, and those who went against them were moved. Feng Yan was in power and in disorder, and acted recklessly. The court was awed by his power, and he could not speak out in anger. Everyone looked askance. Since the founding of the Celestial Dynasty, the official clan has been dissolute and disorderly to the extreme. Both inside and outside the government and the public, the government was almost bribed, the officials were rewarded, the crowned celebrities were sanctimonious, and the ministers and officials were extravagant and dissipated, which made many people of insight sigh and cry out sadly. The courtiers wanted to face the saint but could not, and soon in the palace, the queen of Jin was the queen of heaven, and the Taiji Hall hung down the curtain to listen to the government. Baiguan Qunliao, foreign envoys to Hetianhou in Sutian Gate, the mountain called a thousand years old, inside and outside the life of the woman. Emperors and empresses respected, since ancient times to see, the courtiers were shocked to go but no one dared to have two words, under the three public, on the lookout. Behind the bead curtain of Taiji Hall, a pair of sober and cold eyes quietly watched the boiling water of the day. All the people in the world resented the arrogance and abuse of power of the official clan. Even if there were huge waves of blood to wash the valve, it would be rain and dew pouring on the head, which was widely expected. Chapter 38 Kunshan Jade Broken Phoenix Singing Changling ancient road, riding several horses galloping past, falling smoke and dust billowing all over the sky, all the way eastward, straight to Langzhou. Several Xuanjia Iron Guards escorted Si Weiyun from Tiandu. Without stopping, he traveled three thousand miles. It took him less than five days to enter the territory of the East China Sea Frontier Command. When he saw the towering city of Langzhou, Si Weiyun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but his anxiety increased. During the war, the elite troops at the gates of Langzhou were heavily defended, and the people coming and going were strictly checked. Guarding city soldiers just stopped this pair of people, suddenly see a person in the hands of bright black token, led by ZhongJun a captain after see, can not help but eat a surprised. During the reign of Emperor Shengwu, the Xuanjia Army, which fought with Emperor Hao in the north and south, always had incomparable prestige and status in the Celestial Army. The Xuanjia Military Order must be held by Emperor Hao's secret envoy, who had a heavy responsibility. The captain saluted with his sword and looked up. There was only one man in the Xuanjia army who was dressed in a commoner's robe. He was described as thin. Although he was travel-stained, he could hardly hide his upright bearing. At first sight, he could not help but be awestruck. Have xuanjia army escort, must be unusual,Stainless Steel Trough Urinal, a captain from his slightly locked eyebrows to see the traces of deep thought, a twinkling of an eye to bring out the awestruck gas, unexpectedly faintly pressing. cnkexin.com
