Rich and powerful families, young soldiers, excessive spoiling of wives

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Rich and powerful families, young soldiers, excessive spoiling of wives

"You are really a good daughter-in-law with filial piety." Zhou Mo's tone is not without irony. Su Wen thought she was simply jealous and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. I'll stay in Beijing for a few more days. When you come to live with me, we'll sleep in the same bed and talk all night." "Remember to call me when your family returns to the army." "OK, it's a deal." Suwen hung up the phone and was still a little puzzled. What's wrong with Momo today? He was so confused. In the evening, Lu Zheng drove to pick her up and went to Lu's house. Lu Wenyi personally stood at the door waiting for them, so that Su Wen was flattered. The wife next door just gave birth to a white fat boy, his grandmother pushed the baby carriage in the yard for a walk, Lu Wenyi looked at the baby in the car, praised the baby beautiful, beautiful, must be a handsome boy when he grew up. With that, he reached into the stroller and pulled the baby's little hand. Su Wen and Lu Zheng got out of the car and called out, "Mom." Lu Wenyi seemed to be indulging in the joy of playing with the child. He answered, waving the baby's little hand and pointing to Su and asking, "Call, aunt." Little baby where can speak, open mouth drool hum ah ah a few times, can also amuse Lu Wenyi. Su Wen also said hello to the little guy, and then the family came into the house. While helping in the kitchen, Su Wen poked Lu Zheng in the arm and said,plastic pallet bins, "Mom really likes children. I've never seen her smile like that." Lu Zheng hugged her from behind and breathed ambiguously against her sideburns: "If you gave birth to it, she would definitely like it better." Su Wen gave him an angry look and pushed him away. I didn't expect to be hit by Lu Zheng's crow mouth. After the meal, Lu Wenyi asked the servant to take a few bags of ginseng tea. It was said that she had gone to the old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for decades. They were all tonic ingredients. She also added a lot of Chinese herbal medicines that were easy to conceive. She told them to drink a cup before going to bed every night, and they must finish it. Nie Suwen squinted at Lu Zheng with black lines all over his face. Lu Zheng hugged her and promised, saying no problem. When there was no one, Su Wen opened the medicine bag, which was quite thin. The red rope was for women, and the blue rope was for men. She laughed and untied the blue rope: "This is for you.." Ho,ibc spill pallet, pilose antler, wild ginseng.. That's enough to make up for! She simply curiously opened the red rope, donkey-hide gelatin. The turtle shell. Lu Zheng hugged her and made sarcastic remarks with a smile: "If you drink this ginseng tea, you won't be able to sleep well at night." “……” Kindness is hard to refuse. In the evening, Lu Zheng and she went home with a big bag of medicinal materials. Lu Wenyi personally went to the door to see them off. During the farewell, Lu Zheng suddenly took Lu Wenyi's hand and said, "Aunt, I will return to the team tomorrow.". The weather is getting cold, so you should pay attention to keeping warm. Several people, including Feng Zhan, were stunned at the same time. Especially Nie Su asked, the heart overflowing with happiness suddenly like a hole, all the joy is flowing away, leaving only a few sad bubbles. She was not sad to leave again, collapsible pallet box ,plastic pallet containers, but the couple slept together every night and stayed together for the longest time, but he never mentioned to her that he wanted to leave. Instead, she told Lu Wenyi first, and as a bystander, she felt extremely unbalanced in her heart. She tried to hide the expression of loss on her face, listening to Lu Zheng said to Lu Wenyi: "I may not be able to call back for some time after I leave this time. Aunt, you have to help me watch my silly girl." Su asked unhappily and pinched him behind his back. Today is how, everyone said she was silly, Zhou Mo scolded her stupid woman, even Lu Zheng also said she was silly girl. The night is dim, the car is speeding on the expressway, the street lamps on both sides are quickly left behind, the mottled light band crosses Nie Suwen's expressionless face. No one in the car spoke. When he got out of the car, Lu Zheng took a special step and quietly took out a box from the storage compartment and hid it in his pocket. When Suwen looked back at him, he pretended to lock the car. Back home, Lu Zheng worried about two bags of ginseng tea in the kitchen and asked her if she wanted to drink it now. Su Wen went straight into the bathroom and shouted through the bathroom door: "Since you promised no problem, then you can drink it all." Lu Zheng in the kitchen shrugged his shoulders. From the beginning, he noticed that his little wife seemed to be in a bad mood with him. However, Lu Zheng was not sure whether she was reluctant to return to the team or whether she had heard something from Zhou Mo. Su Wen washed and smashed, changed into pajamas and came out. Lu Zheng had already brought two cups of ginseng tea and was waiting for her in the bedroom. He pushes a cup to her: "Drink, a little token of my elder's appreciation." Su Wen did not know where the anger came from. He said three times in succession, "If I don't drink, I won't drink. I want to have a good sleep!" Lu Zheng did not force her, picked up his cup, pinched his nose and poured it down in one breath. Su Wen secretly glanced at him and saw that he looked as usual, as if he had no red face, hot body, animal nature and other phenomena, so he was a little relieved. Seeing that Lu Zheng was going to get her cup again, she finally relented and grabbed the cup from his hand: "This is for tonifying Yin. How do you drink it?" He feels her smooth black bright hair: "The wife does not want to drink, then I have to drink for you." "Forget it, I'll drink it myself." She gritted her teeth and drank Chinese medicine. Ginseng tea gulps down the stomach, the tip of the tongue has a fishy and bitter taste, and there is a sweet aftertaste. She put down the cup, covered her mouth and went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth. After a while, she came out and looked at Lu Zheng, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. She wondered, "Why don't you have any reaction? Is yours better?" Even Lu Zheng was amused by her. He patted her on the head and said, "Silly girl." The light was turned off and both of them were lying on the bed with their clothes on. Su asked the heart is still uncomfortable, she turned her back to Lu Zheng, I do not know if it is the role of ginseng tea, has been unable to sleep. She thought for a long time, racking her brains to find out Lu Zheng's shortcomings, but after thinking about it, he seemed to be unable to find anything else except occasionally not being honest and breaking an appointment. In comparison, I seem to have more shortcomings. It bothered her even more. Just as she was thinking about it,drum spill pallet, an arm came from behind her, heard a movement, and the hand stopped on her chest.
