The abstract

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The hero of today's talk is the outline of the abstract, it is the basis of the work.

The hero of today's talk is the outline of the abstract, it is the basis of the work. When checking the plan is paid close attention, as it allows you to determine how structured the work is and whether the priorities in the topic are set correctly.

In scientific papers is welcomed a clear sequence of presentation of information. The outline will help, structuring the information and reflecting the key points of the topic.

In the abstract the plan is placed on the second page. The word "plan" itself is not written in the work, it is replaced by the words "Table of Contents". This section, as well as the title page, counted in the total number of pages, but the numbering on the 1st and 2nd sheet of the abstract is not stamped. In this kind of work it begins with the introduction, that is, from page 3.

Before you do registration, study the requirements of your university. The standards may be different from the general. The type of content corresponds to the requirements for the design of the entire work: the font - Times New Roman, 14 point. Spacing - 1.5, indentation will be the same throughout the pages of the abstract.

The standard structure of the plan is as follows: introduction, chapters, sections, paragraphs, conclusion, list of used sources, appendices.

Appendix is included in the plan, but its pages are not numbered; this part of the work contains illustrations, graphs, charts, tables.

The greatest difficulty for the student is usually the allocation of chapters and paragraphs. Although the abstract is a small scientific work, it is necessary to divide the main part into meaningful sections. Note that if the largest part does not exceed 10 pages, then it is not necessary to divide it into chapters; in this case in the content simply write "Main part".

As mentioned earlier, the plan should be structured and consistent, so that the instructor understands what the paper is about.

To do this, the student needs to highlight the main aspects of the topic he covers. Usually there are several of them - these points will form the plan.

More tog, the main task of the plan - to facilitate the writing of the abstract, so become to him respectfully and seriously.
