Ghost Doctor Abandoned Concubine Turnover

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Ghost Doctor Abandoned Concubine Turnover

Wang Ye didn't even go back to the house to sleep? Long Yuyu angrily clenched his fist and smashed it into the soft pillow, quickly sliding into the quilt, stingy man! Although the mouth is broken to read, but the heart still has a trace of sweetness. For two days in a row, Long Yuduo did not see the figure of Feng Yuchen. The small volcano erupted completely and avoided seeing her. Well, she went to the palace to block people! The palace, the imperial study. It's been two days before you told me that Ah Yan was caught by Sikong Jue? Angry, the dragon night weather angrily grabbed Feng Yuchen's skirt, that is always indifferent to the quiet noble face at the moment is full of anger, under the rage, if not for good self-control, the clenched fist is afraid that at the moment has mercilessly greeted Feng Yuchen's face. Your Majesty, the danger of sneaking into the palace of the Langya Dynasty is unavoidable. Understanding the mood of the Dragon Night Sky at the moment, there is guilt in the deep voice of Feng Yuchen, "All the spies of Langye Dynasty have taken full action to rescue Ah Yan as much as possible." "Dust, if it weren't for you, I would kill you myself!" Long Yetian tried his best to suppress his emotions, but at the thought of the torture that Feng Yan would suffer in the palace of Langye Dynasty, Long Yetian's original suppressed excitement rolled again under worry and heartache. Chapter 339 Passion Lotus Fruit The door of the imperial study was pushed open without warning, and the dragon feather looked in amazement at the two figures at daggers drawn in front of her, because she came suddenly, so the dragon night sky still kept an angry and cold face. If it was on weekdays,best green coffee bean extract, the dragon feather would be surprised that Wang Ye would have a conflict with the emperor, and even laugh at him a few times, but at the moment, looking at the cold and frightened face of the dragon night sky, and then looking at the still calm Feng Yuchen, he had to ask doubtfully, "Wang Ye, what happened?"? Did you annoy the emperor? "This is a tribute of passion fruit,naringenin price, the emperor is reluctant to give you all to eat." Random to find an excuse, Feng Yuchen quickly restrained the mood, carried a dish of unusually fragrant fruit in front of the table, small fruit one by one round, suffused with a touch of yellow, unusually moist people suddenly have the feeling of appetite. Passionfruit? With the light in his eyes, Long Yuyu hugged the plate in Feng Yuchen's hand and snuggled up to Feng Yuchen with a smile. He quickly stuffed a passion lotus fruit into his mouth. The sweet fragrance made Long Yuyu's little face smile and blossom. He took one again, "Wang Ye, this is a precious tribute book." "If the king doesn't eat, you can eat." Shaking his head with a faint smile, Feng Yuchen stuffed the passion fruit into the mouth of the dragon feather, but the dragon night sky looked at each other, and the tension between them had just been suppressed at the moment. Wang Ye, although the passion lotus fruit is very precious, but the emperor will never be so stingy, just now you and the emperor in the end for what to argue? And stuffed a passion lotus fruit into the mouth, stesweet stevia ,glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, the dragon feather dangerous staring at the phoenix dust and the dragon night sky, the emperor and Wang Ye absolutely have something to hide from her! "Ah Yan is going to get married?" Feng Yuchen opened his mouth lightly. In an instant, Long Yetian's face changed in horror. Hearing this, Long Yuyu was stunned. Too shocked, the passion lotus fruit in her mouth made her cough violently. She hooked her body and coughed, and her little face stretched through her sleeves. "Teng Wang Ye, make it clear?" One side coughs, one side inquires to look at the phoenix to resist the dust, the dragon feather feather pats the chest, finally smoothly gas, the vision stealthily aims at the face is gloomy and terrible dragon night day, is it true? Otherwise, how could the emperor look so ugly? I just got the news, and I'm not sure. Only the last one of the four Tianxiang lotus fruits was left. Feng Yuchen stuffed the last one into Long Yuyu's mouth again. "Eat it. It is said that Tianxiang lotus fruit is extremely difficult to survive. It takes ten years to blossom. Each tree only bears one fruit. The ripening time is only half an hour. If it is not picked in time, the fruit will fall to the ground and rot." "I know." As a student of medicine, she naturally understood the medicinal properties of the lotus fruit. Compared with the Yulu pills she had refined before, the lotus fruit had the same effect. There were no more than ten in the world. Wang Ye stuffed four at a time for her to eat. "Who is Ah Yan going to marry?" Finally swallowed the last passion lotus fruit into the abdomen, the dragon feather worried to pull the big hand of the Phoenix Royal Dust, carefully asked, for fear of provoking the already livid dragon night sky. Sikong Jue, the new emperor of Langya Dynasty. Feng Yuchen did not have the scruples of Long Yuyu. He said the answer in a low voice. Long Yetian's face changed again and again. Finally, the livid color was infected with anger again. Dust only said that Ah Yan was caught by Sikong Jue, but did not say that she was going to marry Sikong Jue. Brother Jue? Yan went to the Langye Dynasty, that. Is a huge shock, the dragon feather is sorry to look at the whole body tight, the face of the dragon night sky, a Yan unexpectedly went to Langye Dynasty, she is almost sure, absolutely brother is absolutely not because like a Yan and want to marry her, only afraid is absolutely brother already know the relationship between a Yan and the emperor, so will release such news. Purple Butterfly-Net () "Dust, come out!" Forgetting the identity of the emperor, roaring, the dragon night day finally can not suppress the mood, a grasp of the Phoenix Yuchen's arm, to the side of the dragon feather feather made a forbidden face, quickly pulled the Phoenix Yuchen out of the imperial study, went to the yard, "say, how many things are there, you hide from me?" "Ah Yan was captured two days ago. As for the news of his marriage, it was only received today. I'm afraid Sikong absolutely wants to take this as an exchange condition." Not just a departure, not just the antidote to the overcast moon, now even more than a Yan, Feng Yuchen eyes sharp look at the blue sky, Sikong is absolutely at all means to take the feather away. Without the expected anger of Feng Yuchen, Long Yetian slowly calmed down, backed against the rockery behind him, closed his eyes,pumpkin seed extract, and there was a haze and regret on his noble face at the moment. "She knew there would be such a result that day. She saw it more thoroughly and more clearly than I did." Feng Yuchen looked at the seemingly decadent and powerless Dragon Night Sky, and glanced out of the corner of his eye at the tiny figure eavesdropping at the door. At least now Ming Yao is still in the Dragon Dynasty, and his life can be exchanged for Ah Yan. 。
